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Consulting and Problem Statement

The first step in planning a project in Sarzamin Hooshmand Tolooe Khorshid Co. (Ashid) is a problem statement and then providing advice to complement the project. Ideas are questions in the mind and we challenge these ideas, analyze different aspects of them, and try to find an answer to the question. This process is done with the help of advisors and directors at Ashid and they translate each of these questions in the employer’s mind into unique stars and features on paper.

These stars aren’t always technical features, they can be strategies for building monetization models, business models, and short/long term customer attraction models. So each of these stars adds to the attractiveness of a business and the reason is, each of them means that more time was poured into reaching the end result. After implementing some of these ideas (stars) and the further development of the business it starts to enter its next phase which is profitability.

The profitability phase, unlike the question or stars phase, is when the least amount of input (e.g. time) yields the most desired results. The business matures and gains efficiency in this phase. This is the phase that we will face different problems making everything harder than what we expected, to the point that dissatisfaction from the situation might lead some to sell out their business.

Ashid can give council to you in all of these phases to manage the situation and for example how to outsource or transfer the business to anyone else interested who are in their first phases (questions and ideas).

Ashid will choose the proper business strategy based on your needs from one of the four options stated below and homogenize the employer expectations with the project executive expectations:

  • Economic package, cheap and fast delivery
  • Professional design, powerful with unique features
  • Dashboard programming, for more complex platforms
  • Startup oriented, for flexible and idea based teams

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