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Access level November 20

Access levels on platforms are one of the most difficult parts of portal design or site design. Each section and each option that has been worked on in the design of the site can have a condition that this section is viewed by the user, operators, marketing manager, etc. or not.
How we define access levels can be up to us, but the general options most commonly used by programming engineers are:

  •     Read or watch
  •     Write or record
  •     Apply change and edit
  •     Remove and clean

We can look at access levels in four ways:

  •     Static access method

In this model, there is no change in the access level for the administrator and the coder manages the defined characters of the system according to the needs of the administrator.
    Advantages of Static Access Method: Coding speed in each project and delivery
Disadvantages of static access method: Reduced manager ability at the moment, time consuming of the entire access level section if requested to record changes over time for the programming team
    Dynamic full access method: All options, fields, sections have the ability to set the access level for the administrator. For example, adding an image to a product can be done with the permission of the administrator, or for example, they can produce content and the support department can not do this activity.
    Advantages of dynamic access method: In this model, the manager can manage all the options of his website for himself in the best possible way and categorize and segment all the sections with details.

  •     Disadvantages of dynamic access method

    Disadvantage of full access method: Each part of the code has several command lines that must be checked each time it is executed and it can be said that the code has increased between two to 5 times and on the other hand the number of requests on the server side has increased dramatically. The system speed is at a minimum and the server is naturally pressured.

  •     Dynamic access by menu and submenu

In this way, instead of all the options being given to the manager to apply the level of access to them. At the menu and submenu (submenus) in the CMS admin and dashboard section, the set of sections between maps is defined. In this case, with the appropriate UX, the manager can distribute his options in a larger number of menus and provide the possibility for the roles to view the desired section.
Advantages of dynamic access in terms of menu and submenu: The best possible mode with the least speed in loading time for this section is that the management can also manage its desired sections easily and without a coder.
Disadvantages of dynamic access by menu and submenu: If a section has several other section systems, we have to increase the number of menus and in terms of UX we have a problem.

  •     Mixed static and dynamic access

The middle way between the sections introduced so far is to use dynamic access according to the menu and submenu, then provide the required sections in a menu through the static access level for the administrator.
Advantages of static and dynamic mixed access: This model can also manage the options inside a menu by maintaining the minimum number of server-side requests and can be the best possible.
Disadvantages of static and dynamic mixed access: If this case is not well considered and the first part of the various parts is not visualized and subject to related changes, there is a risk that the platform code will get dirty and the design process will take time.

tags : #داشبورد مدیریت

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